Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Gudeg Cimahi

Gudeg Cimahi prescription

A. 1 kg young jackfruit, cut to taste
2. 1/2 kg chicken (thigh), potong2
3. 5 eggs, boiled, peeled
4. 500 cc thick coconut milk
5. 250 cc coconut milk is

Spice paste:
7 spring onions
6 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon coriander, toasted
5 egg hazelnut
1 teaspoon salt

Additional flavor:
6 logs of brown sugar
4 bay leaves
3 slices galangal

How to cook:
A. Jackfruit boiled until quite soft, set aside
2. Saute until golden brown in puree, put chicken stir until it changes color enter the coconut milk and spices are added, bring to a boil.
3. Add jackfruit and which has been boiled eggs, put coconut milk, taste to get a sense of right, if less sweet / salty taste may be added again. cover the pan and do not again until the sauce thickens diaduk2 / by half, reduce the heat.
4. Serve with warm rice and sambal eggplant Balado / tomato sauce.

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